Tuesday, May 13, 2008

More Pictures

Well, I finally broke down and bought a new weed eater. It is a 4 cycle and all I have to do is put gas in it (no more mixing gas & oil). We have a lot of trimming to do in the back yard and other parts of the farm and a good weed eater is essential.

I had to leave yesterday so I did'nt get to add all the pictures of the KOI Pond so here are some more. I have to finish the turtle pen as the turtles are out of hibernation and need to be moved out side into their habitat soon.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Hello Chris (Seattle) Here are 2 pictures of the KOI Pond now, it is under construction this year as I put in a new liner and am building a pen for the turtles. I will add more.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

May Day is here

Well look, its May 1st already and my backyard really needs alot of attention. The KOI Pond is still not finished yet but the KOI and gold fish are happy and the plants are starting to grow! I need to clean out several birdhouses and bird feeders and put up new ones. I have even though about putting a water fountain in the pond but not sure yet.