Thursday, September 30, 2010

Woodland Squirrel Birdfeeder

Fall is difinetly here. The temperatures are finally cooler. The grass is dry and the leaves are beginning to change colors. The geese are flying south! It reminds me to make sure the birdfeeders are in good repair and to keep them full. The birds that have been feeding all summer will know that there has always been a fresh source of food. And other birds traveling south may stop in for a visit and rest awhile.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hanging Bird Feeders

With the onset of cooler temperatures, we have been cleaning up our yard and flower beds. One of the things we do when pulling out our sunflowers is to snip the dried flower and put them in our hanging bird feeders. When we have the giant sunflowers we will leave the head on something high, like the picnic table or swing frame. The birds will have fun cleaning out the seeds.