Sunday, May 31, 2009

Titmouse Houses

The Plain Titmouse is the western cousin and lives in the southwestern states. It is a small, gray bird with a crest, but it is all gray, without the rust or white accents.
Both birds hunt for insects by clinging to branches of trees and shrubs and peering into the crevices of the bark. They sometimes forage on the ground as well.
Their calls are similar, a whistled "peter, peter, peter."

Monday, May 25, 2009

Butterfly Vivarium

In the quiet of the garden I watch the butterflies as they flit about, from one plant to the next. Always on the move, stopping just long enough that I can take in their beauty. The colors are exquiste!! Reds, oranges, yellow, blues and greens. Then I recall how a catepillar changes into this beautiful creature. Wouldn't it be fun to watch this transformation

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Song Birds

With the warmer weather, I'm in seventh heaven. I love having all the song birds in the backyard, and I love hearing them sing! You too can hear this symphony by encourageing these songbirds to visit, nest and feed in your backyard. It is so easy to encourage most birds. You probably already have trees, shrubs and flowers, now put up a birdhouse/birdfeeder and some food, and you'll be listening to a beautiful song or two also. Photo compliments of John and Carol Hollinsworth/USFWS

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Golden Gilded Birdfeeder

It isn't too late to add birdfeeders or birdhouses to your garden decor.
Your garden visitors will like the royal treatment with this luxurious feeder! Burnished gold finish lends luster to a sculpted dish trimmed with doves and lilies; The deep bowl holds a generous amount of seed fit for any feathered king. This birdfeeder will add a bit of sophistication to yourbackyard scenery!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Hummingbird Feeders

I'm starting to get excited! When the weather turns colder we lose alot of our featured friends, so now that it is getting warmer and things are growing again we'll start seeing our feathered friends again. Namely the Hummingbirds.
Did you know that you can attract hummingbirds to your backyard? Plant brightly colored flowers and blooming bushes, and be sure to put your hummingbird feeders out. Hummingbirds are attracted to bright colors.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Adorable Decorative Birdhouse

This adorable little decorative birdhouse is the perfect addition to your decor. It is a replica of a little cottage that you might find in a wooded area or at the lake. Complete with a screened porch to keep the bugs at bay.
There are so many decorative birdhouses on the market. It is so easy to complete a theme at a reasonable price.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tree Spirit Birdhouse

I've been wanting to get some new birdhouses for our property. We live on a farm so some areas are "wild" while other areas are developed. My husband has always liked to feed the birds, while I enjoy watching and listening.
While searching the internet I found some really great birdhouses that fall into both categories: decorative and wild. I really liked this one, and I hope my grandchildren will also. Do you think it will frighten the birds?